Version 24.1 Release (Dispatch)

New Features


  • The connect service was further improved by developing vendor-certified (Softwarehouse®) C-CURE connectors compatible with versions 2.7 and 2.9. Following the 24.1 release, we will deploy the new connector versions across customer organizations.

Connect is the liaison between the access control system and Dispatch, facilitating Dispatch alarms. The Connector enables communication between these two entities.

  • Standardized the session manager to expire like all other applications, which is 20 minutes if no API calls are made.

Create the Activity Asynchronously with Respect to Closing a Dispatch

The following improvements were added to improve the Dispatch closing process when adding an activity within the scope of the closed Dispatch request:

  • The processing speed for closing a Dispatch was increased, resulting in decreased failure rates.
  • Closed dispatches will appear immediately in their panel without an activity link because the activity creation will still be underway.
  • A new column in the closed dispatch grid will indicate the activity creation status with these possible values: in progress, success, failed.
  • If the activity is created successfully, the closed Dispatch should be updated with the activity link as normal.
  • If the activity fails to be created, a banner will appear in the Dispatch and closed Dispatch panels, indicating the failure, and an action will be available on the closed Dispatch panel to retry creating the activity. This can normally take a few seconds or minutes.

Polling for Resolver User Updates

  • We implemented a polling update to check for Resolver user changes and apply them to users synced from Resolver to Dispatch. This polling update will be done hourly, along with other polling of Resolver configuration data.

Sync Now Button Added to Dispatch Settings

  • Added the Sync Now feature back to Dispatch settings so users can click to successfully sync the changes without waiting for the sync process to complete, which can take up to 6 minutes.

Officer Mobile

  • Performed a quick check by downloading the apps from app/play stores to ensure the application works successfully after the upgrade to the new version.

Bug List


  • Fixed an issue where dispatch users were losing administrator status in Dispatch.
    • Previously, Dispatch user admin status mirrored that of the related core user, updating with core changes. With our update, Dispatch user admin status remains unaffected by core updates, allowing independent adjustment within Dispatch. This change separates Dispatch permissions from core, enabling direct setting adjustments in Dispatch.
  • Resolved an issue preventing users from triggering a panic alert.
  • Resolved an issue where the Scheduled Dispatches feature was failing to generate dispatches across multiple impacted organizations.
  • Resolved an issue where messages within a Closed Dispatch were appearing out of order within Activity Notes in Core
  • Fixed an issue where an incorrect person was being linked to an Activity in Core when updating the Dispatch user role
  • Resolved an issue where Activities created from Dispatch were displaying altered description text and missing link and person object relationships
  • Resolved an issue causing 404 responses in-app insights and resulting in Dispatch clients losing connection and failing to reconnect.
  • Fixed an issue in Dispatch with users unable to successfully perform the acknowledge action on an alarm.
  • An issue preventing Dispatch records (with tasks assigned to an officer who didn't have an associated person record) from being closed and subsequent activity records from being created was fixed.
  • Resolved an issue with the creation of scheduled Dispatches throwing an exception.
  • Fixed an issue causing triggers in the database pointing to removed audit tables, preventing users from deleting objects during a sync from Resolver.
  • An issue with message conversations not closing when a Dispatch record is closed was resolved.
  • We have resolved an issue with the API not returning an error when a record is not found in Dispatch.
  • An issue with the latest date/time not showing up under Organization Response for the subsequent activity record in Resolver was fixed.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented the creation of a new Dispatch by escalating an alarm created from a connect event.
  • Fixed an issue with officer status on tasks stuck on unassigned and unable to transition to other states.
  • Resolved an issue with clearing expired closed Dispatches failing due to some constraints.
  • An issue with the inability to delete person records with a combined character count of over 100 in the first and last names was resolved.
  • Fixed an issue so when a location is imported from Resolver that's missing the properties needed to get a response from Bing, the API uses the default location coordinates vs requesting Bing.
  • Resolved an issue where records not in use (and having the Available in Dispatch flag set to No) could not be deleted from the Dispatch database.
  • Fixed an issue with the Call Category field marked externally deleted in Dispatch when the Available in Dispatch on the core is set to No and reverted to Yes.
  •  Fixed an issue where the quick add person feature was not available in the “Initiated By Person” field.


  • Addressed an issue where Connect was unable to create dispatches or take any action in Dispatch due to authentication failure in the Dispatch service
  • Resolved an issue with C-CCURE strongly signed connectors, versions 2.7 and 2.9, reporting an error after using the new files received from the vendor Software House.
  • Fixed an issue with syncing many devices and event types simultaneously using the 'Get Latest' button.

Officer Mobile

  • Resolved an issue with text not displaying in dark mode on the iOS app.
  • Fixed an issue causing build services for Officer Mobile in iOS to fail.