Report for Duty

Before you can be assigned any tasks, you must be brought on duty. If a dispatcher has not already brought you on duty, you’ll be prompted to select an Operational Zone (a large, designated area where officers may be assigned to work, such as a university campus), Team, and Call Sign

The team you select will determine which work zones (smaller areas within an operational zone) you’ll be able to work in. If you’ve been assigned a default operational zone, this zone will appear automatically in the Operational Zone field. If you’ve been granted access to more than one operational zone, you’ll be able to select one of those zones when reporting for duty.The Report for Duty screen.

If you’re not sure which operational zone, team, or call sign you should select when reporting for duty, contact your dispatcher. If your administrator has assigned you a default operational zone, team, and call sign, this information will appear in the fields automatically.

To report for duty:

  1. Log in to Officer Mobile.

  2. Select an operational zone from the Operational Zone field.

  3. Select a team from the Team field.

  4. Select an available call sign from the Call Sign field.

  5. Tap On Duty.

    Your dispatcher can bring you on or off duty at any time.