Popular Endpoints


Retrieve, create, update, or delete fields individually or retrieve the fields added to an object type.

Field Types
Field TypeDescription
2Date & Time
3Single Select List
5Multi Select List
6Image Attachment
 GET  /object/field

Retrieve all fields in the org or narrow your search by field name or ID.

Curl Request
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 'https://YOUR_ENVIRONMENT.resolver.com/object/field?includeFieldOptions=false'
NameParameter TypeData TypeDescriptionRequired
searchTextquerystringKeyword(s) that will narrow the search results.No
idsquerystringThe internal ID of the specific field you want to retrieve. Leaving this field blank will retrieve all fields in the org.No
includeFieldOptionsquerybooleanIf true, the response will include select list options.No
Example Response Body
  "data": [
      "id": 12732,
      "name": "Abbreviation",
      "nameKey": "app:field:name:371a4976-61bb-4040-bcb9-3107abf6c375",
      "uniqueName": "ABBREVIATI",
      "type": 0,
      "longName": "",
      "longNameKey": "app:field:longName:a029dee3-4a5e-4a17-aa01-96b909b7512e",
      "pii": false,
      "created": "2017-11-29T21:23:16.057Z",
      "modified": null,
      "org": 46,
      "properties": {
        "maxCharLength": 32,
        "multipleLines": false,
        "maximumCharacters": 10
      "defaultSelection": null,
      "nextFieldOptionOrdinal": 0,
      "externalRefId": "c5b27c1e-137f-42a8-b07c-764d9ad8a0f5"
Success Response

200 OK

 POST  /object/field

Create a new field.

Curl Request
curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: bearer YOUR_API_KEY' -d '{  "name": "New Field",  "type": 0,  "longName": "string",  "pii": true,  "properties": {},  "defaultSelection": 0,  "externalRefId": "string" }' 'https://YOUR_ENVIRONMENT.resolver.com/object/field'
Body Parameters
NameParameter TypeData TypeDescriptionRequired
namebodystringThe name of the new field.Yes
typebodyintegerThe type of field, represented by a number. See the Field Types table above for a list of types.Yes
longNamebodystringThe longer name of the field, if any, which may include additional details.No
piibodybooleanThis is for internal use only. No
propertiesbodydimensionAdditional configuration options for the field, depending on the type (e.g., maximum and minimum characters on a text field).
defaultSelectionbodynumberAn unused parameter. Disregard.No
externalRefIdbodystringThe external reference ID of the new field.No
Example Body Parameter
  "name": "string",
  "type": 0,
  "longName": "string",
  "pii": true,
  "properties": {},
  "defaultSelection": 0,
  "externalRefId": "string"
Example Response
  "id": 87977
Success Response

200 OK

 PUT  /object/field/{id}

Update an existing field.

Curl Request
curl -X PUT --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: bearer YOUR_API_KEY' -d '{  "name": "Updated Field",  "longName": "string",  "uniqueName": "string",  "properties": {},  "defaultSelection": 0,  "externalRefId": "string",  "type": 0 }' 'https://YOUR_ENVIRONMENT.resolver.com/object/field/87977'
NameParameter TypeData TypeDescriptionRequired
iddoublepathThe internal ID of the field you want to modify.
externalRefIdstringpathThe external reference ID of the field you want to modify.
namebodystringThe name of the field.No
longNamebodystringThe longer name of the field, if any, which may include additional details.No
uniqueNamebodystringThe field's unique identifier in Core. Changing a component's unique name is not recommended as it can break other components that reference it.No
propertiesbodydimensionAdditional configuration options for the field, depending on the type (e.g., maximum or minimum characters for a text field).
defaultSelectionbodynumberAn unused parameter. Disregard.
externalRefIdbodystringThe external reference ID of the new field.No
typebodyintegerThe type of field, represented by a number. See the Field Types table above for a list of types.
Example Body Parameter
  "name": "string",
  "longName": "string",
  "uniqueName": "string",
  "properties": {},
  "defaultSelection": 0,
  "externalRefId": "string",
  "type": 0
Success Response

204 No Content

 DELETE  /object/field/{id}

Delete a field from the org.

Curl Request
curl -X DELETE --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 'https://YOUR_ENVIRONMENT.resolver.com/object/field/87977'
NameParameter TypeData TypeDescriptionRequired
idpathintegerThe internal ID of the field you want to delete.Yes
Success Response

204 No Content

 GET  /object/objectType/{objectTypeId}/field

Retrieves a list of fields added to an object type.

Curl Request
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN' 'https://YOUR_ENVIRONMENT.resolver.com/object/objectType/4164/field?includeFieldOptions=true'
NameParameter TypeData TypeDescriptionRequired
objectTypeIdpathdoubleThe internal ID of the object type you wish to retrieve the fields from.Yes
includeFieldOptionspathbooleanIf true, the response will include options for select list fields.No
Success Response

200 OK

Example Response Body
    "id": 12848,
    "name": "Attachments",
    "nameKey": "app:field:name:ec4736a3-7a14-4864-884f-923618905a57",
    "uniqueName": "ATTACHMENT",
    "type": 4,
    "longName": "(File Link Only)",
    "longNameKey": "app:field:longName:4aa16f16-7623-4c4e-8498-04917ad90450",
    "pii": false,
    "created": "2017-11-29T21:23:16.057Z",
    "modified": "2018-08-16T21:10:46.106Z",
    "org": 46,
    "properties": {
      "maxCharLength": 32,
      "multipleLines": false,
      "attachmentType": 1
    "defaultSelection": null,
    "nextFieldOptionOrdinal": 0,
    "externalRefId": "fadedfd1-40ec-4a55-aaca-3eee65cb71f4",
    "options": []


Retrieve the formulas added to an object type as well as their ranges.

 GET  /object/objectType/{objectTypeId}/formulas

Retrieve all formulas added to an object type.

Curl Request
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 'https://YOUR_ENVIRONMENT.resolver.com/object/objectType/4176/formulas'
NameParameter TypeData TypeDescriptionRequired
objectTypeIdpathdoubleThe internal ID of the object type you wish to retrieve the formulas from.Yes
Success Response

200 OK

Example Response Body
  "data": [
      "id": 7739,
      "name": "Avg Response Time",
      "nameKey": "app:formula:name:56f853e6-87e2-46d4-a49c-f1cbaec35422",
      "script": "RTIME",
      "format": null,
      "formatStyle": 0,
      "rangeStyle": 0,
      "objectTypeId": 4176,
      "type": 1,
      "created": "2018-09-12T19:18:23.608Z",
      "modified": "2018-09-12T19:19:41.660Z",
      "org": 46,
      "externalRefId": "c49b63e0-b86a-4d00-a725-c9fed2ee594e",
      "transitionId": null
 GET  /object/objectType/{objectTypeId}/formulas/{formulaId}/ranges

Retrieve all ranges added to a formula.

Curl Request
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: bearer eyJhbGciOiJLTVMiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ.eyJzZXNzaW9uIjoiNjkwYTg1YmYtYjgzMS00ZGU4LTkyNjMtNWE1ZjZkYTNkODk1IiwiX3B1cnBvc2UiOiJsb2dpbiIsImV4cCI6MTYwNTMwOTQ4MCwiaWF0IjoxNjA1MjkxNDgwfQ.AQICAHjkCdIHAV_V5K9y0iCicRyqb7QKMNNwPg2yLDYQ53MvegFUwgfIZBih0JYHRqIuvaV9AAABETCCAQ0GCSqGSIb3DQEHBqCB_zCB_AIBADCB9gYJKoZIhvcNAQcBMB4GCWCGSAFlAwQBLjARBAwjJ-3NoJ8jG59X6KsCARCAgcgvQr8kQPEeYqCwYARIwYO1sUCtPLYsYBVDMKRWzwlNaF9OK-x2gi6ik5wz8fXVu5KjFxZKiRPVI_AlKixb5z6BP5Ep13TXX5-n2A6By985RqqczKzcg6AztZHh-oFZhTKuYxGMI40y7s1D-zFcJUQKKZorpbKC69cvGHKhhncNGAM0J0BiHPhTe2Noys0_BZcZoRgq_6ctBsUSKgBEIsJg7Eq5mHVxusBXYqpNhkI1qC0GQ6T2xdCmGpfrTvztmfreXcNet3zFow' 'https://alpha.staging.resolver.com/object/objectType/4176/formulas/7739/ranges'
NameParameter TypeData TypeDescriptionRequired
objectTypeIdpathdoubleThe internal ID of the object type you wish to retrieve the formulas from.Yes
formulaIdpathdoubleThe internal ID of the formula.Yes
Success Response

200 OK

Example Response Body
    "id": 24458,
    "name": "Low",
    "nameKey": "app:formulaRange:name:f7d91803-7b58-4dc8-86a7-8bbb8b0dd493",
    "formulaId": 7739,
    "maximum": 33,
    "color": "#6FB93A",
    "created": "2018-09-12T19:18:23.608Z",
    "modified": null,
    "org": 46,
    "externalRefId": "f28b7b46-4b60-4db8-b633-6d6ecdf5d11a"
    "id": 23497,
    "name": "Medium",
    "nameKey": "app:formulaRange:name:7ce9fe35-d0d2-40a9-9d72-45935923c05f",
    "formulaId": 7739,
    "maximum": 66,
    "color": "#F8E71C",
    "created": "2018-09-12T19:18:23.608Z",
    "modified": null,
    "org": 46,
    "externalRefId": "343609f8-d7bf-4744-977b-c0b481d85848"
    "id": 23882,
    "name": "High",
    "nameKey": "app:formulaRange:name:689f6a8d-fed9-4e2d-90e6-34929ff94cf5",
    "formulaId": 7739,
    "maximum": 100,
    "color": "#D0021B",
    "created": "2018-09-12T19:18:23.608Z",
    "modified": null,
    "org": 46,
    "externalRefId": "84319b13-8257-4270-ae4a-8994abb65df3"


Retrieve object type details, as well as create, modify, or delete object types.

 GET  /object/objectType

Retrieves a list of all the object types in the org, along with their external reference IDs and internal IDs.

Curl Request
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 'https://YOUR_ENVIRONMENT.resolver.com/object/objectType'
NameParameter TypeData TypeDescriptionRequired
idquerystringThe internal ID of the specific object type you want retrieve, if any. Leaving this field blank will retrieve all object types in the org.No
Example Response Body
      "id": 4198,
      "name": "Incident Type",
      "pluralName": "Incident Types",
      "description": "",
      "monogram": "IT",
      "nameKey": "app:objectType:name:989fb792-4483-486d-a521-9c7ef22f906c",
      "descriptionKey": "app:objectType:description:709504f2-b2ca-4ea4-b9bd-d8afa7226b00",
      "pluralNameKey": "app:objectType:pluralName:d81eae66-8b4a-45b0-a3e1-91b541f44012",
      "monogramKey": "app:objectType:monogram:004b4b8e-d039-4481-af44-98ff2ea16294",
      "color": "#2f6ccb",
      "objectLifeCycleId": 4934,
      "externalRefId": "IncidentType",
      "created": "2017-11-29T21:23:16.057Z",
      "modified": "2019-01-25T16:24:40.300Z",
      "nextElement": 34,
      "org": 46,
      "assessment": false,
      "anchor": null,
      "anchorRelationship": null,
      "dataDefinitionId": null
Success Response

200 OK

 POST  /object/objectType

Creates a new object type.

Curl Request
curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: bearer YOUR_API_KEY' -d '{  "name": "New Object Type",  "monogram": "NOT" }' 'https://YOUR_ENVIRONMENT.resolver.com/object/objectType'
NameParameter TypeData TypeDescriptionRequired
namebodystringThe name of the object type.Yes
monogrambodystringThe one to three letter monogram of the object type.Yes
colorbodystringThe color of the object type monogram.No
descriptionbodystringThe description of the object type.No
pluralNamebodystringThe plural name of the object type.No
externalRefIdbodystringThe external reference ID of the object type.No
assessmentbodybooleanIf true, creates an assessment object type.No
Example Body Parameter
  "name": "string",
  "monogram": "string",
  "color": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "pluralName": "string",
  "externalRefId": "string",
  "assessment": false
Example Response
  "id": 15739
Success Response

200 OK

 PUT  /object/objectType/{id}

Updates an existing object type.

Curl Request
curl -X PUT --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN' -d '{  "name": "OBT" }' 'https://YOUR_ENVIRONMENT.resolver.com/object/objectType/15739'
NameParameter TypeData TypeDescriptionRequired
idpathdoubleThe internal ID of the specific object type you want to modify.
externalRefIdpathstringThe external reference ID of the object type you want to modify.
namebodystringThe name of the object type.No
monogrambodystringThe one to three letter monogram of the object type.No
colorbodystringThe color of the object type monogram.No
descriptionbodystringThe description of the object type.No
pluralNamebodystringThe plural name of the object type.No
externalRefIdbodystringThe external reference ID of the object type.No
assessmentbodybooleanIf true, creates an assessment object type.No
Example Body Parameter
  "name": "string",
  "monogram": "string",
  "color": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "pluralName": "string",
  "externalRefId": "string",
  "assessment": false
Success Response

204 No Content

 DELETE  /object/objectType/{id}

Deletes an object type. 

Curl Request
curl -X DELETE --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 'https://YOUR_ENVIRONMENT.resolver.com/object/objectType/15739'
NameParameter TypeData TypeDescriptionRequired
idpathdoubleThe internal ID of the specific object type you want to delete.Yes
Success Response

204 No Content


Retrieve, add, modify, or delete roles added to object types.

 GET  /object/objectType/{objectTypeId}/role 

Retrieves the roles added to an object type.

Curl Request
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 'https://YOUR_ENVIRONMENT.resolver.com/object/objectType/4188/role'
NameParameter TypeData TypeDescriptionRequired
objectTypeIdpathdoubleThe internal ID of the object type you want to retrieve roles from.Yes
Success Response

200 OK

Example Response Body
    "id": 2620,
    "name": "Control Owner",
    "description": "Compliance Management, Risk Management",
    "nameKey": "app:role:name:c03c11e4-062b-4913-94ae-b79362cbc294",
    "descriptionKey": "app:role:description:6bc5e50f-cb43-4b27-a7e4-aada7eead96c",
    "isGlobal": false,
    "created": "2017-12-15T06:28:05.748Z",
    "modified": "2019-10-25T18:38:14.796Z",
    "org": 46,
    "externalRefId": "619ec9fd-b624-44c6-aa56-15c32bee1820",
    "canPerformSearch": true,
    "canQuickCreate": true,
    "canGetHelp": true,
    "canSearchArchive": true
    "id": 2637,
    "name": "Reviewed By",
    "description": "",
    "nameKey": "app:role:name:3beca149-9ba5-4d37-8135-eb6c4e0462b2",
    "descriptionKey": "app:role:description:24af4bc4-53a8-467b-9349-f174276c3ab9",
    "isGlobal": false,
    "created": "2018-03-15T02:53:27.270Z",
    "modified": "2019-10-25T18:38:14.796Z",
    "org": 46,
    "externalRefId": "a5655e05-ec0b-475e-b1f7-495872ece72f",
    "canPerformSearch": true,
    "canQuickCreate": true,
    "canGetHelp": true,
    "canSearchArchive": true
 POST  /object/objectType/{objectTypeId}/role

Add a role to an object type.

Curl Request
curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: bearer YOUR_API_KEY' -d '{  "roleIds": [    4037  ] }' 'https://YOUR_ENVIRONMENT.resolver.com/object/objectType/10317/role'
NameParameter TypeData TypeDescriptionRequired
objectTypeIdpathdoubleThe internal ID of the object type you want to add the role to.Yes
roleIdsbodyroleIdsThe internal ID of the role you want to add to the object type.Yes
Success Response

200 OK

Example Response Body
    "id": 7112,
    "object_type_id": 10317,
    "role_id": 4038,
    "org": 46
 DELETE  /object/objectType/{objectTypeId}/role/{roleId}

Delete a role from an object type.

curl -X DELETE --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 'https://YOUR_ENVIRONMENT.resolver.com/object/objectType/10317/role/4038'
NameParameter TypeData TypeDescriptionRequired
objectTypeIdpathdoubleThe internal ID of the object type you want to add the role to.Yes
roleIdpathdoubleThe internal ID of the role you want to delete from the object type.Yes
Success Response

204 No Content


Retrieve, modify, or delete object type workflows. 

 GET  /object/objectType/{objectTypeId}/objectLifeCycle

Retrieve all workflows and workflow states for an object type.

Curl Request
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 'https://YOUR_ENVIRONMENT.resolver.com/object/objectType/6020/objectLifeCycle?includeStates=true'
NameParameter TypeData TypeDescriptionRequired
objectTypeIdpathdoubleThe object type you want to retrieve the workflows for.Yes
includeStatesquerybooleanIf true, the response will include workflow states.No
Success Response

200 OK

Example Response Body
  "data": [
      "id": 7421,
      "name": "GS Injury",
      "type": 1,
      "nameKey": "app:objectLifeCycle:name:c25dbe52-f46e-4d2c-b620-7ddc99df0855",
      "description": null,
      "descriptionKey": "app:objectLifeCycle:description:2a1d0022-a65f-4421-b526-035dbb4bed6e",
      "created": "2019-04-24T15:36:06.804Z",
      "modified": "2019-04-24T15:36:06.804Z",
      "org": 46,
      "nextStateOrdinal": 1,
      "externalRefId": "2cce6a45-5392-4916-8254-14dea960749e",
      "objectTypeId": 6020,
      "states": [
          "id": 29660,
          "objectLifeCycleId": 7421,
          "name": "Creation",
          "stateCategoryId": null,
          "nameKey": "app:objectLifeCycleState:name:b7de667d-d379-4c92-81cb-f537024277be",
          "color": "#0fc0fc",
          "ordinal": -1,
          "created": "2019-04-24T15:36:06.804Z",
          "modified": null,
          "org": 46,
          "creation": true,
          "externalRefId": "0f7bd9e8-106f-4e3b-8cbb-ea66d31165ee"
          "id": 29661,
          "objectLifeCycleId": 7421,
          "name": "Draft",
          "stateCategoryId": 1,
          "nameKey": "app:objectLifeCycleState:name:9c839e30-e2df-4a7d-bfc4-cad50dc560a9",
          "color": "#0fc0fc",
          "ordinal": 0,
          "created": "2019-04-24T15:36:06.804Z",
          "modified": null,
          "org": 46,
          "creation": false,
          "externalRefId": "6867d477-9b7b-42bb-a223-157e604c5bfc"
          "id": 29662,
          "objectLifeCycleId": 7421,
          "name": "Active",
          "stateCategoryId": 2,
          "nameKey": "app:objectLifeCycleState:name:47a6cc00-bbc0-47c7-97dc-058e42a066fe",
          "color": "#0fc0fc",
          "ordinal": 1,
          "created": "2019-04-24T15:36:06.804Z",
          "modified": null,
          "org": 46,
          "creation": false,
          "externalRefId": "78e2b3af-bc6c-4ba1-b0fa-a85b8e752c53"
          "id": 29663,
          "objectLifeCycleId": 7421,
          "name": "Archived",
          "stateCategoryId": 3,
          "nameKey": "app:objectLifeCycleState:name:1bf39775-6d9a-4d32-aff9-4a77313b52f0",
          "color": "#0fc0fc",
          "ordinal": 2,
          "created": "2019-04-24T15:36:06.804Z",
          "modified": null,
          "org": 46,
          "creation": false,
          "externalRefId": "d04afd5e-ab5b-4d23-8022-509f909f8b0b"


Retrieve, add, modify, or delete relationships and references.

 GET  /object/objectType/{objectTypeId}/relationship

Retrieve all relationships for an object type, with the option to references and/or details of linked object types.

Curl Request
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 'https://YOUR_ENVIRONMENT.resolver.com/object/objectType/6130/relationship?inverse=true&includeObjectTypes=false'
NameParameter TypeData TypeDescriptionRequired
objectTypeIdpathdoubleThe internal ID of the object type you want to retrieve the relationships from.Yes
inversequerybooleanIf true, the response will also include references.No
includeObjectTypesquerybooleanIf true, the response will also include linked object type details.No
Success Response

200 OK

Example Response Body
  "outgoing": [
      "id": 5186,
      "name": "Risks",
      "longName": "",
      "referenceName": "Assets",
      "nameKey": "app:relationship:name:d9611d04-738d-4c4e-afc8-36def232b0ee",
      "longNameKey": "app:relationship:longName:c2cde73a-6f9a-4513-912c-66462606e4af",
      "referenceNameKey": "app:relationship:referenceName:5e3a69dc-62b5-4001-8a39-3d71c88dac8b",
      "objectTypeId": 4180,
      "objectTypeGroupId": 3593,
      "maximumAllowedEdges": 0,
      "created": "2017-11-29T21:23:16.057Z",
      "modified": null,
      "org": 46,
      "externalRefId": "Asset-Risk"
      "id": 5185,
      "name": "Attachments",
      "longName": "",
      "referenceName": "",
      "nameKey": "app:relationship:name:bfbe7cda-3a52-4108-94de-e04ec56f4887",
      "longNameKey": "app:relationship:longName:ce992ea0-7839-406a-9d61-3f2cd50ade6c",
      "referenceNameKey": "app:relationship:referenceName:bcac4669-4421-4599-9f5f-c6195e155fbb",
      "objectTypeId": 4180,
      "objectTypeGroupId": 3584,
      "maximumAllowedEdges": 0,
      "created": "2018-11-22T22:42:51.857Z",
      "modified": "2018-11-22T22:43:28.918Z",
      "org": 46,
      "externalRefId": "Asset-Attachment"
  "incoming": [
      "id": 5247,
      "name": "Key Assets",
      "longName": "",
      "referenceName": "Locations",
      "nameKey": "app:relationship:name:e78b742d-ef08-4159-bec4-9d122c856231",
      "longNameKey": "app:relationship:longName:a08ff317-4b35-4d0c-89a7-a2aebbf43b36",
      "referenceNameKey": "app:relationship:referenceName:be1ac710-7bc5-4434-98db-0af3b3fca41d",
      "objectTypeId": 4211,
      "objectTypeGroupId": 3595,
      "maximumAllowedEdges": 0,
      "created": "2017-11-29T21:23:16.057Z",
      "modified": "2018-03-19T02:48:33.106Z",
      "org": 46,
      "externalRefId": "Location-Asset"


Retrieve, modify, add, or delete reports, filters, and/or parameters.

Report Component Types
1Free Form Text
3Pie/Half-Pie Chart
4Heat Map
5Bar/Column Chart
6N/A (Unsupported elements)
7Repeatable Forms
8Page Break
Table Column Types
6Attachment Field
7Workflow State
 GET  /object/report

Retrieve all reports within the org.

Curl Request
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 'https://YOUR_ENVIRONMENT.resolver.com/object/report'
Success Response

200 OK

Example Response Body
  "data": [
      "id": 9017,
      "name": "Risks & Controls By Location",
      "description": "",
      "nameKey": "app:report:name:820c6f98-b82d-496f-9df2-2e2da44a866f",
      "descriptionKey": "app:report:description:231e091c-296b-43bf-a2d9-91a5eca5913b",
      "objectTypeId": 4211,
      "created": "2019-12-09T19:06:56.042Z",
      "modified": "2019-12-09T19:14:58.577Z",
      "org": 46,
      "externalRefId": "8e197f22-774f-459f-b9a1-a087055c1fb7",
      "nextReportComponentOrdinal": 0,
      "type": 1,
      "showArchiveData": false,
      "nestloop": "org"
 GET  /object/{reportId}/filter

Retrieve a report's filters.

Curl Request
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: bearer YOU_API_KEY' 'https://YOUR_ENVIRONMENT.resolver.com/object/report/2203/filter'
NameParameter TypeData TypeDescriptionRequired
reportIdpathdoubleThe internal ID of the report you want to retrieve filters from.Yes
Success Response

200 OK

Example Response Body
    "id": 2159,
    "reportId": 2203,
    "type": 1,
    "elementId": 12739,
    "objectTypeId": 4207,
    "subtype": 2,
    "created": "2017-12-13T22:02:47.788Z",
    "modified": null,
    "org": 46,
    "externalRefId": "1cc5eeee-8f0d-4030-8823-8052d23fdc3e",
    "columnFilter": false,
    "required": false
    "id": 2165,
    "reportId": 2203,
    "type": 1,
    "elementId": 12805,
    "objectTypeId": 4197,
    "subtype": 3,
    "created": "2017-12-13T22:02:47.788Z",
    "modified": null,
    "org": 46,
    "externalRefId": "23933d1b-f991-43ce-8a76-59a41f1b3a93",
    "columnFilter": false,
    "required": false
 GET  /object/report/{reportId}/reportComponents

Retrieve a list of components (tables, pie charts, etc.) on a report.

Curl Request
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 'https://YOUR_ENVIRONMENT.resolver.com/object/report/2203/reportComponents'
NameParameter TypeData TypeDescriptionRequired
reportIdpathdoubleThe internal ID of the report you want to retrieve components from.Yes
Success Response

200 OK

Example Response
  "data": [
      "id": 6177,
      "reportId": 2262,
      "reportDataDefinitionId": null,
      "componentDataDefinitionId": null,
      "displayProperties": {},
      "showTotals": false,
      "allData": true,
      "libraryData": true,
      "content": "The report outlines all requirements that are not applicable to the organization. If a requirement becomes applicable, click on the requirement below and click **Reassess Applicability** to submit the requirement for review by the Compliance Team. ",
      "contentKey": "app:reportComponent:content:b9eab3e2-1d6a-4d56-82cb-cb4297c18208",
      "xAxisLabel": null,
      "xAxisLabelKey": null,
      "yAxisLabel": null,
      "yAxisLabelKey": null,
      "groupByType": null,
      "groupByRelationshipId": null,
      "groupByObjectTypeId": null,
      "type": 1,
      "subtype": 1,
      "ordinal": 0,
      "created": "2018-11-22T16:06:42.749Z",
      "modified": "2018-11-22T16:07:52.337Z",
      "org": 46,
      "externalRefId": "351e1f17-a258-4f80-86ad-e231b59d4b87",
      "showColoredCellsAsOvals": false,
      "dataProperties": {
        "forms": {},
        "columns": [],
        "parameters": [],
        "subtype": 1,
        "componentDataDefinitionId": null,
        "reportDataDefinitionId": null,
        "showTotals": false,
        "content": "The report outlines all requirements that are not applicable to the organization. If a requirement becomes applicable, click on the requirement below and click **Reassess Applicability** to submit the requirement for review by the Compliance Team. ",
        "contentKey": "app:reportComponent:content:b9eab3e2-1d6a-4d56-82cb-cb4297c18208",
        "xAxisLabel": null,
        "xAxisLabelKey": null,
        "yAxisLabel": null,
        "yAxisLabelKey": null,
        "groupById": null,
        "groupByType": null,
        "showColoredCellsAsOvals": false
      "id": 6258,
      "reportId": 2262,
      "reportDataDefinitionId": 7420,
      "componentDataDefinitionId": 7355,
      "displayProperties": {},
      "showTotals": false,
      "allData": false,
      "libraryData": true,
      "content": "",
      "contentKey": null,
      "xAxisLabel": null,
      "xAxisLabelKey": null,
      "yAxisLabel": null,
      "yAxisLabelKey": null,
      "groupByType": null,
      "groupByRelationshipId": null,
      "groupByObjectTypeId": null,
      "type": 1,
      "subtype": 2,
      "ordinal": 1,
      "created": "2018-11-22T15:53:01.001Z",
      "modified": "2018-11-22T16:08:13.652Z",
      "org": 46,
      "externalRefId": "7eb77b61-30a7-4fa2-aa3d-817e41fe2f83",
      "showColoredCellsAsOvals": false,
      "dataProperties": {
        "enabledForms": {
          "": false
        "forms": {
          "": 7358
        "columns": [
            "id": 19180,
            "componentId": 6258,
            "nodeId": 51077,
            "type": 1,
            "ordinal": 3,
            "subtype": 0,
            "identifier": 12549,
            "objectTypeId": 4227,
            "created": "2018-11-22T16:08:13.652Z",
            "modified": null,
            "org": 46,
            "externalRefId": "249fa322-af5c-40e3-9865-531a1984cd62",
            "readOnly": false,
            "path": "",
            "pathAnchor": 4227
        "parameters": [],
        "titles": {},
        "subtype": 2,
        "componentDataDefinitionId": 7355,
        "reportDataDefinitionId": 7420,
        "showTotals": false,
        "content": "",
        "contentKey": null,
        "xAxisLabel": null,
        "xAxisLabelKey": null,
        "yAxisLabel": null,
        "yAxisLabelKey": null,
        "groupById": null,
        "groupByType": null,
        "showColoredCellsAsOvals": false


Get user id often utilized for multi-factor authentication (MFA) user reset

To retrieve a user ID:

  1. Click theicon in the top bar > Swagger Docs in the Tools section.

    Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

  2. Click on any of the topics to open the API in a new browser tab.
  3. From the user section, click Get /user/users to open the parameters.
  4. In the search field, input the user’s email address.

  5. Click Try it out! 
  6. In the Response Body section, locate the User ID next to “id:”