Incident Detail Report

While Incident Management has several useful reports for viewing aggregate incident data, there are times when it is useful to view a single incident with all of its details and attachments laid out. The incident detail report is a read-only report that allows incident owners, investigators, supervisors, and administrators to view this information for incidents that are in the Open, Investigation, Legal Hold, or Closed states. GS: Should this report be mentioned on the Reports Overview article, or is it too different?

The incident report contains the following sections: GS: Is this enough detail or should I dig a little deeper?

  • Main Incident Form: All the major details of the incident including the type, severity, net loss, etc.

  • Incident Locations: The relevant information of any location linked to the incident, including any uploaded images.

  • Involvements: A list of all persons and items involved in the incident with their relevant information and images. For items, the total value of each will be displayed.

  • Narratives: All narratives linked to the incident, including opening statements, witness statements, etc.

  • Incident AttachmentsAll images and documents that have been attached to the incident.

  • Losses and Recoveries: A table of all losses and recoveries recorded for the incident. GS: This did not show up for me, even with incidents that I set up losses and recoveries for. Is it no longer part of this report?

  • Incident Summary: The incident's outcomes, notes, and audit information.

To view the incident detail report:

  1. Log into a user account that's been added to the Incident Owner, Incident Investigator, Incident Supervisor, or Administrator (Incident Management) user group. GS: Should we copy this article over to these other roles, or should it stay in one place?

  2. Click the dropdown in the nav bar, then click Incident Management to display the Incidents activity.The nav bar.

  3. Click an incident that is in the Open, Investigation, Legal Hold, or Closed state to open the Incident Review form. The Incident Review form.

  4. Click the Print button to display the incident detail report for that incident. An incident detail report.