Popular Articles

  1. Contact Support

    Resolver Support's contact information, including phone numbers, business hours, and email address.
  2. Status Dashboard

    View Resolver Core's status dashboard to see if there are any issues or outages.
  3. Log In

    Login instructions and requirements to access Resolver Core.
  4. How to Navigate the Knowledge Base

    The Resolver Knowledge Base is your hub for app guides, troubleshooting, information on the Project Success Center, and more. This article will help familiarize you with these resources, but if you need any extra help, feel free to contact us ! ...
  5. Formulas Overview - Variables, Operators, & Functions

    Definitions of variables, operators, and functions and how they're used to create formulas in Resolver Core.
  6. Manually Delete the 2.0 Folder

    How to delete the 2.0 folder in order to uninstall Dispatch.
  7. Glossary of Terms - Core Admin

    A glossary of important terms and phrases in Resolver Core.
  8. Create a New User

    How to create a new user account in Core, as well an overview of the features available through these settings.
  9. Image Upload & Custom Logos

    The Image Upload and Logo Upload  features allow administrators to upload a photo and generate a URL that can then be used as a custom logo in Core or email templates or as an image embedded in configurable forms using Markdown formatting ....
  10. Connect BI Tools to Your Data Warehouse

    Instructions on connecting Microsoft Power BI to the Data Warehouse.